
There are many volunteering opportunities that allow you to do as much or as little as you choose. We are a small, non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve this historical landmark as a heritage property and tourist attraction. The most important job of the board is supporting the organization's missions, goals, and objectives. Come join us and gain valuable experience as a board member or volunteer and learn from others with common interests. If you are interested in serving on the board or as a volunteer and becoming part of an exciting new adventure, please contact us at (phone only answered during season of operation) or .

Lighthouse and Ocean View

If you would like to volunteer to help preserve this breathtaking site for many generations to come please indicate how you can help by checking off an item or items below. Your talents are greatly appreciated.

We need your help by:

• Preparing and caring for the flower beds. (Maybe you would like to adopt a bed as your own to care for)
• Selling memberships and tickets during the fundraising drives
• Preparing the site for the upcoming season
• Volunteering during special events at the light
• Putting the site away for the winter months